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Today, I want to share an interesting article I came across from Gallup, titled “Are Remote Workers and Their Organizations Drifting Apart?” …
What can social media teach us about followership? In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in interest regarding followership. Partly, …
For centuries, people have believed that among our earlier ancestors, men were hunters while women were gatherers. But a growing number of …
Many companies claim they’re value-driven. They have values displayed on websites and intranets, they’re printed and hung on walls and repeated at …
I’ve noticed something interesting. Most people assume that it’s harder to lead than to follow. Now, why would they assume this? Followers …
One reason why people struggle to understand true followership is that they try to define followers by how people act. For example, …
Hi everyone, I’m sorry for not having posted anything here for a few weeks. I’ve been swamped with work related to my …
Leadership is an industry. We mustn’t forget that. There are many people who make a lot of money thanks to our interest …
Hi everyone, here’s another short post. Today I want to share with you something that very few people realise about leadership. In …
Many of us are fortunate enough to live in a democracy and most of us still defend the idea that a society …
Most people (including scholars) believe that we follow a person because of his or her personality or behaviour. In other words that we …
We’re quickly approaching Christmas and the end of 2022. So I thought I’d end this year with a video showing some of …
We all have our own set of skills and talents. But different situations require different types of knowledge and abilities. For this …
In the previous post, we concluded that followership is voluntary, that it, like love, starts within a person. But then the next …
Through the years I’ve found that one way of explaining the very essence of followership is to compare it with love. We …
I feel that I need to say a few words about self-leadership. Sometimes I meet people who get a little bit confused …
In the previous post- what do we know about followers – I mentioned that no one wants to be a follower. The …
People spend years studying how to lead but not a day learning how to follow. Companies are no better. They invest millions …
I’ve spent more than 15 years studying followership, but what is followership? Well, simply put it’s how and why we follow people. …
Have you ever thought about the fact that people are obsessed with leadership but completely uninterested in those who follow? It’s strange, isn’t …